“Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said, “Turkey’s priority was UNSC’s adopting a unified position and imposing sanctions against the crime against humanity.”

Speaking at a press conference, Davutoglu said, “We have a very powerful motion for our army and government to take every necessary measure against security risks coming from Syria, but if the needs reveal a different situation, we will apply to Turkish Parliament.”
Attack against UN team
Davutoglu said the attack on UN team according to the information derived so far, raised already existing suspicions about Syrian regime’s clearing off the evidences of chemical weapons attack.
Stating that he talked to his Russian counterpart, Davutoglu said, “Turkey’s priority was UNSC’s adopting a unified position and imposing sanctions against the crime against humanity.”
Turkey’s Syria diplomacy
Davutoglu announced US State Secretary phoned him following his latest statements about Syria, and added, “We talked about possible steps to be taken. Already, Friends of Syria group met in Istanbul yesterday. Therefore, our diplomacy channels are in tact with all sides.”
“We have two priorities. First is stopping the crime against humanity that our Syrian brothers faced, and perpetrators to be punished, and second Turkey’s security and interests.”
Saudi Arabia visit
A statement released by the Foreign Ministry said, Davutoglu was scheduled to visit Saudi Arabia to talk to Prince Saud al Faisal bin Abd al Azeez on August 27 and 28 to handle regional issues, first and foremost Syria and Egypt.
Turkey Tribune