Time has no dimension. It has no past, present or future. Why do we attach any movement, happening or event with time? Does time actually exist or is it the ...
India and Turkey are two vibrant economies, pluralistic societies and secular developing countries that have evolved from the two oldest civilizations and historical linkages. While India transformed from the Vedic ...
Syria is one of Israel’s principal immediate military threats. The situation today with respect to Syria's threat to Israel is complicated as a result of the on-going outrageous civil war ...
The Trumpster continues to bedevil the GOP and delight a large number of supporters who believe the party cronyism has failed the constituency. Voting for Jeb Bush (until recently, the ...
Founded in 1999, the group of 20 commonly known as G-20 is an international forum of the governments and central bank governors from twenty major global economies. The nineteen nations ...
The West has to pay two costs, one of imperialistic attacks and the other of dubious policies. Why have there been no wars in Europe after WWII? Why are all ...
Part of The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)'s rise in Syria and Iraq can be attributed to sectarian politics. However, another major factor driving ISIS militants who have, ...
It is predictable, of course. Sporadic interface between journalists and their readership is part of the ebb and flow of journalism. A few days ago I received a sixteen page ...
Today, a salon is somewhere you go for an expensive haircut. However, it had different meanings during the age of European Enlightenment, a salon was a gathering of knowledgeable people ...
It may be tempting to conclude from the demonstrations in Taksim Square and Gezi Park that the entire country is against Turkey's Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. That impression is ...
In a landmark development, a senior U.S. diplomat held discussions with leaders of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in Damascus on...
The aftermath of Syria’s fight for freedom has revealed a harrowing reality: hundreds of thousands of Sunni Muslims have perished...