Abdullah-ı Dehlevî hazretleri, çok büyük evliyâdır. Nice fâsık, günahkâr kimseler, hattâ kâfirler, Onun bir teveccühüyle hidâyete kavuşurlardı. Meselâ güzel, yakışıklı bir Hristiyan genç vardı. Bu genç, her nasılsa bu zâtın dergâhının önünden ...
Allahü teâlâ doğru yolda olan bir topluluğun içine şeytanın girmesini yasaklamıştır. Bu topluluğun içine şeytan giremez. Onları bozamaz... Dinimizde birlik ve beraberlik içinde olmanın yeri çok önemlidir. Devletimizin güçlendiği, milletimizin ...
Here we give the conession of one of the people, THOMAS MUHAMMAD CLAYTON (American), who chose Islam: It was almost noon time. Dazed with the sweltering heat of the day, ...
One of the malady of the heart is “hiyânat”. Committing “hiyânat” causes anger (ghadab). “Hiyânat” also is forbidden (harâm) and it is a sign of hypocrisy. The opposite of “hiyânat” ...
The eleventh distich of Qasîda Amâlî reads as follows: “The Qur’ân al-kerîm is the Word of Allâhu ta’âlâ. It is not a creature, i.e. something created afterwards. It is an ...
A hadîth-i-sherîf reads: “The best of you is the one who makes repentance ‘tawba’ immediately after committing a sin.” The gravest sins are disbelief, hypocrisy, and deserting one’s faith or ...
An example of fitna is to cause distress and trouble to others, e.g. by pursuing a policy which will pave the way for a military takeover. It is stated in ...
Through the gate opened in 1982 by Roger Garaudy, famous man of writers in Europe, Cousteau, the Captain of the Oceans, turned the course of his ship towards Islam, Bejart, ...
A French satirical magazine whose offices were firebombed after it published cartoons mocking the prophet Muhammad on Wednesday published a comic book biography of Islam's founder, AFP has reported. The editor of ...
There are sixty important maladies of the spiritual heart. One of the malady is ostentation (riyâ). “Riyâ” means to present something in a manner opposite to its true nature. In ...
Muslims Should Be Fairly Involved in International Decision-Making Erdoğan Calls for Muslim Representation in Global Institutions Turkish President Recep Tayyip...
European leaders have gathered in London for a high-stakes summit to bolster Ukraine’s defenses and address security concerns amid shifting...