Man has two kinds of heart. One of them is piece of flesh in his chest, which also we call ‘heart’. The other one is a force placed in that piece of flesh. Whenever we say, “heart,” we will mean the latter. Belief and unbelief, love and hostility all take place in this second heart. Man’s limbs are under the command of this heart.
An owner of a pure heart will follow reason and will always do useful things. A person with an unhealthy and wicked heart will follow the nafs and will always do whatsoever is harmful. Acts of worship performed with ikhlâs, and performing namâz, particularly, will purify the heart. Allâhu ta’âlâ has prohibited things that are deleterious to the heart and make it unhealthy, (that is, He has made them harâm.) Sinning is deleterious to the heart. The illness incurred by sinning will be light or heavy, depending on the gravity of the sin committed. When the heart becomes ill, worship will feel difficult.
Primary medicine for an illness of heart is tawba and istighfâr. Acceptability of a tawba made requires ceasing from sinning and doing acts of worship. Performing namâz is the most useful act of worship for the acceptability of tawba, which in turn is a medicine for a heart illness. It is very easy to perform namâz once daily. To perform namâz five times daily will feel difficult to people whose hearts are unhealthy. On the other hand, if namâz is performed frequently, love of Allah will blossom in the heart.
In process of time love of Allah will fill the entire heart. Once love of Allah has settled in the heart, the greatest fortune has been attained. [Love of Allah will leave the hearts of people who are preoccupied with worldly activities and whose concern is how to obtain the transient blessings and pleasures of this world. The most effective medicine to heal a person of this illness is to repeat the Kalima-i-tawhîd. Therefore, Allâhu ta’âlâ, owing to His infinite Mercy, has commanded to perform namâz five times, and not only once, daily. This command of Allâhu ta’âlâ is intended not to cause trouble for men, but to heal them of their heart illness.]
Namâz is the pillar of Islam, performing it will strengthen one’s faith.
If a person does not perform namâz, he will be a person without faith.
During the Ottoman times, young people would gather around a Walî in order to learn their faith and patriotism. Paths guided by great scholars were called tarîqa(t). Tarîqats spread far and near. Number of Muslims and that of young people learning patriotism increased. When freemasons who had obtained government positions saw this state of affairs, they helped irreligious and ignoble people to infiltrate the tarîqat organizations. As the number of true Muslims decreased and dwindled, the blessed organizations remained in the hands of irreligious and immoral people.
Ref: This paragraphes are quoted from the book “Endless Bliss” first fascicle page 298, which is the translation of the book “Tam İlmihal Seâdet-i Ebediye” written by Hüseyn Hilmi Işık ‘rahimahullâhu ta’âlâ,’ who passed away in 1422 A.H (2011 A.D.) in Istanbul / Turkey. “Tam İlmihal Seâdet-i Ebediye” and “Endless Bliss” published by Hakikat Kitabevi, Istanbul. You can find the whole book and the other valuable books in the web site and download in PDF format for Adobe Acrobat Reader, EPUB format for iPhone-iPad-Mac devices and MOBI format for Amazon Kindle device.
Turkey Tribune