History is abundant with accounts of intolerance. Sadly. But, for a time when there are vast fusions within coexisting religions, cultures, languages and colors, a rather colossal wave of intolerance has taken precedence in many parts of the globe. One of our articles featured currently closely examines this unfortunate phenomenon in very close detail, citing various countries as examples.
Intolerance is a reality, a fact, an injustice millions around the world are facing each and every day.
But, in looking ahead to 2016, we have one very positively compelling factor to note. This factor is hope. Hope is what the impoverished, the sick, the elderly, the orphans, the homeless, the refugees and you and me cling on to, look forward to, strive to make a reality of. Without hope, we perish.
An Italian proverb states:
Hope is the last thing ever lost.
So, in these times of intolerance of any kind seen globally, hope is the one thing to never lose sight of.
A very happy, healthy and HOPEFUL 2016 to all our readers, writers and staff.
Sabria Chowdhury Balland
Political Analysis Editor Turkey Tribune