Allâhu ta’âlâ has mercy upon all people on the earth. He creates useful things and sends them to everybody. He shows the way to Endless Bliss. He guides to the right path whomever He wishes among those who left the true way and followed the way to kufr (infidelity) and heresy as a result of being deceived by their own nafs (human desires), bad friends, harmful books, and the media. He saves them from eternal calamity. He does not bestow this blessing upon those who are cruel and exceed the limits. He lets them stay on the way of kufr, which they like and desire. In the next world, He will forgive whomever He wants of those guilty Believers who are to go to Hell, and He will admit them toParadise. He alone creates every living creature, keeps every being in existence every moment and protects all against fear and horror.
Thousands of precious books have been written on the tenets of the Islamic faith and its commands and prohibitions, and many of them have been translated into foreign languages and distributed to every country. On the other hand, ill-willed and short-sighted people have continuously attacked the useful, bountiful and lightsome rules of Islam and have striven to blemish and change it and to deceive Muslims.
It is still seen with gratitude that in almost every country scholars of Islam are striving to disseminate and defend this path. Unsuitable speeches and articles, however, are still being witnessed, which are claimed to have been taken from – but out of misunderstanding of – the Qur’ân al-karîm and the hadîth ash-sherîf by a few people who have not read or understood the books by the ’ulamâ’ of Ahl as-Sunnat. Yet these speeches and articles are ineffective against the firm îmân of Muslim brothers and have no influence, but indicate the ignorance of their agents.
There are many books teaching Islam. The book Maktûbât, written by Imâm Rabbânî, consisting of three volumes, is the most valuable. The next most valuable book, with the same title, Maktûbât, also consisting of three volumes, was written by Muhammad Ma’thûm (Imâm Rabbânî’s third son and one of his most notable disciples). Hadrat Muhammad Ma’thûm states as follows in the sixteenth letter of the third volume of his Maktûbât: “Îmân means to believe both of the facts stated in the (special expression of belief called) Kalima-i-tawhîd, which reads: Lâ ilâha il-l-Allah, Muhammadun Rasûlullah.” In other words, being a Muslim requires also belief in the fact that Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm’ is the Prophet. Allâhu ta’âlâ revealed to him the Qur’ân al-kerîm through the angel named Jebrâ’îl (Gabriel). This Book, the Qur’ân al-kerîm, is the Word of Allah. It is not a compilation of Hadrat Muhammad’s ‘alaihis-salâm’ personal views or of statements made by philosophers or historians. Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm’ made a tafsîr of the Qur’ân al-kerîm. In other words, he expounded it. His expoundings are called hadîth-i-sherîfs. Islam consists of the Qur’ân al-kerîm and hadîth-i-sherîfs. The millions of Islamic books worldover are the expoundings of Ihe Qur’ân al-kerîm and hadîth-i-sherîfs. A statement not coming from Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm’ cannot speak for an Islamic book. The meaning of Îmân and Islam is to believe the Qur’ân al-kerîm and hadîth-i-sherîfs. A person who denies his teachings has denied, by doing so, the Word of Allah. Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm’ stated to his Sahâba the facts which Allâhu ta’âlâ had dictated to him. And the Sahâba, in their turn, conveyed those facts to their disciples, who in their turn wrote them in their books. People who wrote those books are called scholars of Ahl as-Sunnat. Belief in those books of Ahl as-Sunnat, therefore, means belief in the Word of Allah, and a person who holds that belief is a Muslim. Al-hamd-u-lillah, we are learning our faith, (Islam), from books written by the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnat, and not from fallacious books fabricated by reformers and freemasons.
Rasulullah ‘sall-Allâhu ‘alaihi wa sallam’ stated: “When fitna and fesâd become rife amoug my Ummat (Muslims), a person who adheres, to my Sunnat will attain thawâb (blessings, rewards in the Hereafter) equal to the total sum of the thawâb that will he given to a hundred people who have attained martyrdom.” Adherence to the Sunnat is possible only by learning how to do so from the books of the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnat. The scholars affiliated in any one of the four Madhhabs of Muslims are scholars of Ahl as-Sunnat. Imâm a’zam Abû Hanîfa Nu’mân bin Thâbit was the leader of the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnat.
The anti-Islamic campaigns which the British had been carrying on for centuries for the purpose of Christianizing at least one Muslim ended in outright failure. In their search for new methods to achieve their goal, they established the masonic lodges. Masons do not believe Islam, i.e. the knowledge reported by the Ahl as-Sunnat scholars, and they deny Hadrat Muhammad’s ‘alaihis-salâm’ words as well as all heavenly religions, and such basic religious facts as Rising after death, and existence ofParadiseand Hell.
A person who cannot find a true scholar must learn by reading books written by the scholars of Ahl as-sunnat, and try hard to spread these books. A Muslim who has ‘ilm (knowledge), ‘amal (practicing what one knows; obeying Islam’s commandments and prohibitions), and ikhlâs (doing everything only to please Allâhu ta’âlâ) is called an Islamic scholar. A person who represents himself as an Islamic scholar though he lacks any one of these qualifications is called an ‘evil religious scholar’, or an ‘impostor’. The Islamic scholar will guide you to causes which in turn will open the gates to happiness; he is the protector of faith. The impostor will mislead you into such causes as will make you end up in perdition; he is the Satan’s accomplice. (There is certain) prayer (called) Istighfâr (which), whenever you say, (recite or read) it, will make you attain causes which will shield you against afflictions and troubles. One should also pray himself to find and attain in the right way in Islam and to remain in this right way.
Our Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ‘alaihi wa sallam’ stated: “A person whom Allâhu ta’âlâ loves very much is one who learns his religion and teaches it to others. Learn your religion from the mouths of Islamic scholars!”
[1] Ref: These paragraphs are quoted from inside page of the front cover of the books “The Belief and Islam”, “Endless Bliss”, “Ethics of Islam”, “Islam and Christianity” and “Islam’s Reformers” published in English by Hakikat Kitabevi,,Istanbul.