I am a Turkish nationalist who considers living in accordance with Islamic creed and morals as the greatest bliss, who wishes to see Turks blessed and happy in this world and hereafter, and regards Islam as the ultimate goal. There is no place for racism, localism and narrow tribalistic mentality in my understanding of nationalism. I am against all kinds of racism whether it comes from minorities or from the majority. Moreover, I adhere to the high principles like “A person cannot be blamed for loving his nation. Master of a nation is the one who serves his nation. Patriotism originates from the creed,” put forward by our glorious prophet. On the other hand; I do not forget that Islam is divine system that striving to unite all humanity under the Tawhid flag with a conquest marching constantly forward.
Also, I believe in the necessity of rapidly modernization by adhering to the standard “Wisdom is the lost property of a Muslim. He should seize it wherever he finds it,” formulated by our glorious prophet. This wouldbe revival (renaissance) of the Turkish-Islamic culture and civilization.
Not making any concessions from Islam; all matters of our time can be subjected to a new analysis and classification, with new cadres and institutions under the light of wahy (revelation), prophet conveyance and expounding of ahl-al Sunna mujtahids (Islamic Scholars).
I do believe that, it is possible to be a Turk and a Muslim, and to also pioneer the world. In the course of history our ancestors have tried and succeeded this. In that case, why we should not carry out this historical mission of ours?
It should not be forgotten that; foreign ideologies are thought instruments of the foreigners and invader states. They are sneaky traps gnawing the nations from within. Since I know and believe this, I regard resisting against games and plans to divide Turkish nation as a great debt of honour and conscience. As someone who comes from Eastern Anatolia; I could not remain indifferent towards vicious intentions and perfidious schemes being planned around the region where I was born and raised. Those who know me closely, are very well aware that I have devoted my whole life and work to Turkish-Islamic cause. In order to deviating me from this holy path, only me and Allah know to what kinds of tricks, intrigues and treacheries I have been subjected to. Without any doubt these intrigues are far from being over and are unlikely to be over soon. I certainly believe that; if the Muslim Turkish nation and its state are powerful, the Islamic world will also be powerful too. If there is an opposite situation, the whole Islamic World is being exploited alongside Turkish world.
Probably those who best comprehend this situation are our enemies. That’s why the first goal of the evil forces, who want to subjugate Islamic World, has always been Turkish state and nation. Those who manage to draw a lesson from the history, will clearly see this. This is valid today as well. That’s why I say that factionists who want to demolish the Turkish State and divide the Turkish Nation, not only betray Turks but Islam as well.