1897 Sigmund Weinberg (Romanian) hosts the first public screening of a film in Beyoglu, Istanbul.
1914 First film made by a Turk in Turkey.
1922 Kemal Film (Seded Brothers) is the first feature film production company in Turkey.
1923 (29 October) The founding of the Turkish Republic under Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
1928-1941 Ipek Films (Ipekci Brothers) monopolizes Turkish film production.
1932 First commercial talking film produced in Turkey.
1964 The first Antalya Film Festival awards its first “Golden Orange” for best film to Gurbet Kuslari (Birds of Nostalgia) directed by Halit Refig.
1964 Susuz yaz (Dry Summer) wins Best Film at the Berlin Film Festival.
1964 Turkan Soray “the Sultana” stars in Fistik gibi masallah (Thank God She’s Cute, based on Some Like it Hot).
1982 Yol shares the Palme d’Or at Cannes (with Missing by Costa Gravas).
1996 Eskiya (The Bandit) directed by Yavuz Turgul credited by many as the first film of the New Turkish Cinema.
2003 Uzak (Distant) wins Grand Prize and Best Actor at Cannes.
2007 (April) 25th International Istanbul Film Festival