The Ahlat Museum was opened for exhibition in 1970. The monuments, which were discovered during the excavations condsucted in Çifte Hamam, Zaviye and Ulu Camii between 1965-1991, and ceramic findings ornamented with figures of Seljuk Times are all exhibited in the museum. Among the monuments on exhibition, there are findings from graves (ceramics) from B.C. 2000, discovered in the Yuvadamı necropolis area 15 km from the city and the of Early Iron Age findings; and these findings also include the ceramics of Eastern Anatolian origian from around B.C. 2000. a) Coins of various times. b) Clasps, cloth needles, belts and bracelets with double dragon heads belonging to the Urartu culture. c) Ceramics of Roman Times. Oil-lamps, tobacco pipes. |