May all prayers and blessings be upon Muhammad Mustafâ ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’, who is His Prophet and the most beloved of His born slaves, and who is in...
Alhamdulillâh! If any person thanks any other person in any manner, for anything, at any place, at any time, all this thanks belongs to Allâhu ta’âlâ. For, He is...
The key to the treasure of eternity: Bismillâh-ir-Rahmân-ir-Rahîm. The A’ûdhu (A’ûdhu billâhi min-ash-shaytân-ir-rajîm) The Basmala (Bismillâh-ir-Rahmân-ir-Rahîm). ’Abdullah ibni ’Abbâs ‘radiy-Allahu ’anh’ says: Rasûlullah (Muhammad ‘sallAllâhu ’alaihi wa...
Turkey’s Pivotal Contribution to Peace Turkey's vital role in the recent Gaza ceasefire and prisoner exchange agreement between Israel and...
In his first statement after a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, U.S. President Joe Biden highlighted his earlier efforts toward...