Today, there are two kinds of disbelievers in the world. First there are disbelievers with a heavenly book (people of the book). They are Jews and Christians. They believe...
The knowledge which Muslims have to acquire and learn is called “Ulûm-i Islâmiyya” (Islamic knowledge). It is fard to learn some of this knowledge. It is sunnat to learn...
Attaining happiness in both worlds depends only, and only, upon following Hadrat Muhammad ‘’alaihi’s-salâm’, who is the master of thisworldand the next. To follow him, it is necessary to...
Every bid’at holder has inferred wrong meanings from âyats oftheQur’ân al-kerîm and hadîth-i-sherîfs with covered meanings. Our Prophet ‘’alaihis-salâm’ stated:“He who gives a false meaning to the Qur’ân according...
The first thing necessary for all people is to have îmân and the creed of the Ahl-i sunnat scholars as communicated in their books. It is these scholars who...
Attaining endless bliss requires being a Muslim. To be a Muslim, no formality is necessary, such as going to a mufti or imâm. It is stated in the twelfth...
Allâhu ta’âlâ declares in the Qur’ân al-kerîm, in the eightieth âyat of the Surât-un-Nisâ that obedience to Hadrat Muhammad is obedience to Him. Then, unless His Messenger is obeyed,...
When one does a tâ’at, it will be accepted whether one knows or not that one is doing it for Allah’s sake. If a person does a tâ’at knowing...
May Allâhu ta’âlâ honour us all with the great fortune of following Muhammad Mustafâ ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’, who is the spiritual Master of this world and the next...
May Allâhu ta’âlâ honour us all with the great fortune of following Muhammad Mustafâ ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’, who is the spiritual Master of this world and the next...
European leaders have gathered in London for a high-stakes summit to bolster Ukraine’s defenses and address security concerns amid shifting...
Secret Talks in Istanbul: What Was Discussed? As details emerge from the recent U.S.-Russia meeting in Istanbul, reports suggest significant...