Politics is a game of pretension, saying something and meaning something else. President Emmanuel Macron appears to be no exception in a hybrid political culture of uncanny coincidence to...
The US refuses to release Muhammad Rahim al Afghani who has no charges over his head and could possibly be suffering from cancer. What could a US military officer,...
Police have carried out a series of raids and made 14 arrests in the hours since a gunman murdered four people in the heart of Vienna. The man blamed...
French forces said they have killed more than 50 terrorists and captured 4 four others in an operation in Mali. The French defense minister said the action was a...
The attack in Paris, in the cathedral of Notre-Dame, seems to condemn Islam without appeal to the role of a bloody and barbaric religion. Few know instead that it...
In a video message to the virtual summit titled “Genocide: Lessons Learned from Srebrenica,” President Erdoğan said: “European Muslims are facing a systematic discrimination, and their rights and liberties...
It is very easy not to commit a harâm and to observe the rules of Islam. It seems difficult to the sick-hearted. Yes, there are many jobs that are...
Source: Endless Bliss (Se’âdet-i Ebediyye) by Hüseyn Hilmi Işık, Nineteenth Edition, Hakikat Kitabevi, 20014
Allâhu ta’âlâ in the twenty-eighth âyat of Sûrat-ut-Tawba of the Qur’ân al-kerîm says, “Najas and rîjs,” i.e., “foul,” about disbelievers. Then, disbelief should be foul and base in the...
Then, Muslims should feel hayâ (bashful) towards Allâhu ta’âlâ. Hayâ is from îmân. The bashfulness peculiar to a Muslim is indispensably necessary. It is a must to abhor...
A Major Setback for Europe's Electric Vehicle Ambitions The global automotive industry has been rocked by a major crisis as...
Turkey Oil Production Surges to 132,000 Barrels Daily Turkey's daily oil production reached 132,000 barrels in March 2025. This milestone...