The following paragraphs are quoted from the book “Belief and Islam”, which was translated from I’tiqâd-nâma, written by Mawlânâ Diyâ’ ad-dîn Khâlid al-Baghdâdî al-’Uthmânî (quddisa sirruh), who was a distinguished scholar of Islam. It was formerly translated into Turkish by the late Hâji Faizullâh Effendi of Kemah, Erzincan, with the title Farâ’id al-fawâ’id. In the beginning of Foreword it says:
Allâhu ta’âlâ has mercy upon all people on the earth. He creates useful things and sends them to everybody. He shows the way to Endless Bliss. He guides to the right path whomever He wishes among those who left the true way and followed the way to kufr (infidelity) and heresy as a result of being deceived by their own nafs (human desires), bad friends, harmful books, and the media. He saves them from eternal calamity. He does not bestow this blessing upon those who are cruel and exceed the limits. He lets them stay on the way of kufr, which they like and desire. In the next world, He will forgive whomever He wants of those guilty Believers who are to go to Hell, and He will admit them to Paradise. He alone creates every living creature, keeps every being in existence every moment and protects all against fear and horror.
A person who claims to be a Muslim and who has been seen performing salât in jamâ’a must be regarded as Muslim. If, later on, in his speech, writing or behaviour something is seen disagreeing with the knowledge of îmân as conveyed by the ’ulamâ’ of Ahl as-Sunna, he will be told that this is disbelief or heresy. He will be told to cease from it and repent. If, with his short mind and coarse reasoning, he answers that he will not, it will be understood that he is a heretic or disbeliever. Even if he continues performing salât, performs hajj and does all kinds of worship and good deeds, he will not escape this disaster unless he gives up the things or acts which causes kufr and unless he repents; he will not be a Muslim. By learning well the things that cause disbelief, each Muslim should protect himself from becoming a disbeliever and should know well the disbelievers and those liars who pretend to be Muslims and keep away from their harm.