A world dominating centuries… A radical history witnessed many ages in its history… In the other hand, the wide range of humanity flown with history and spread to continents… Colorful cultures, many religions, languages… Besides, brand new viewpoints, quite different opinions and beliefs to these differences created reflections on both diplomacy and living area. But at the point where all this beautiful build-up “locked up”, humanity referred to war, instead of peace. And today, it’s beyond doubt that the concept on undergoing history that must be examined most is “Brotherhood, Justice and Peace”.
A vicious anecdote forgotten nowadays… The year is 1914… The 4 years of the world when, doubtlessly, the most blood was spilled… A hatred that painted the universe red… 1st World War… Powers of that period made the fatality of their weapons talk, thanks to power of their technology. Encyclopedia records pictured many lives lost in their lines, with interpenetrating hatred and siren sounds. The fact that there is a global war required approximately 17 million humans to lose their lives. The war and “the effect” brought with it were difficult… It was staging unbearable screams in the world. So, when those frames of violence were forgotten? Really, when they were erased from memories; as they are wanted to be staged again in 21st century? In the war arena of today, I’m mentioning the answer of right this question…
A country in the most entrapped corner of geographies, Palestine… On the shore of Asia and East Mediterranean. Trying to hold on to life, human, humanity. Tries to determine a route in the slummed layers of the justice. However, the control belongs to the others. In the middle of a world where hegemonies and balances of power dominate..
Another country on the intersected shore of Asia and Africa, Israel… It is in the conflict for years; with its contiguous countries, with balanced country locations reaching far end of the world… The disturbance within its internal dynamics spreads to far ends of the world. The incorrigible geography of the Middle East… Their desires are bigger than themselves. But the thing desired is many times smaller than the concept of justice. A big chaos that “can’t be read” on the window of all these, opening to the world… Doubtlessly, a justice left in half, which falls to the Middle East…
Here, in today of 21st century, not only diplomatic relations but also progresses in borders of morals are quite blocked… And in the titles of ongoing world agenda, totally different two countries pulled away from macro sizes are in the examination of decision makers. Palestine and Israel… Two countries of problem… Two war debates… Doubtlessly, justice dirt on the grounds… And rockets and hates fired on the air, with no mercy for scream of any child… Show of force against weakness and helplessness… The condition is clear to read; unplanned decisions made and the ones who are paying the biggest price for a decision matter, civil society… Who is giving in, who is being hurt, who is being faced to injustice, and who is going to be always bleeding on pages of encyclopedias… You know, rules of the war are simple; it is playing a game once and for all, with the lives of thousands of hearts dedicated to hopes. A million of lives in exchange for a sentence… Is it a joke? Not at all!
But finally today; truce announcement are being heard in ears, at the social media and at the world agenda. The late aid to the peace is almost like shouting that this should be the right decision. In the other hand; the losses that can’t be compensated, burning hearts, unknown prayers, injustices that are “unable to be told” are echoing on the agenda of internal worlds! But the actual echoes are not heard, staged or reflected to the system. To the power authority that controls the system…
When we look; among the countries that are indifferent to pain that is being suffered, to the agony of civil society, with their support for the peace, with their viewpoints indicating humanity, justice and value of the life; Turkey and Egypt are at the leading role! But how do the international society, The United Nations and USA approach to this? Doubtlessly the strongest response is from Egypt with its sentence: “It can’t be kept silent about what is being experienced in Gaza today”… In contrast to the fact that United Nations is indifferent to bombings of Israel; Egypt, plays an active role with its Gaza contacts by providing humanitarian support and having exchange of ideas.
Position of Turkey is clear since its beginning; in contrast to supporting cruelty, pain, and this condition shown to the civilians; it is one of the supporters of ceasefire and on side of the burning region. Continuous Gaza expulsions, contacts with Obama or Mursi, diplomatic pursuits on the way to the peace, it is at the position of Middle East’s strong voice and sensitive country..!
But doubtlessly; the point that should be underlined is the Obama policy. Hegemony power USA’s opinion is clear; it’s in the opinion that Turkey and Egypt should put pressure on Hamas. It also shows understanding about Israel’s defense, in the other hand; it is another observation that it appreciates the efforts for peace of Egypt and Turkey. But if we consider the central power authority in the world; the actual thing expected from USA is, of course, approaching suffered pain with a bigger reaction and activating solution units..!
And what being seen is; the fact that Hamas, Russia, Qatar, Egypt, and Turkey lines are formed… Diplomatic relations worth being told yesterday are being reviewed today… As the Obama vision is powerful enough to shape the viewpoint of the world, attention is on the strategic solution mechanisms presented to Middle East’s complication. And the thing being wondered; after reading so much real politics, what kind of a shape the state of affairs of the history will become with globalization on behalf of the humanity? And while all these are happening; the fact that not reading the justice scene opened to Middle East in politic or economic aspect, but also it should be read from a dimension that is reveal the pain civil society suffers..!
And the result is… Middle East is bleeding, Middle East is crying, it always fails the class at intercontinental justice scenery… It looks for humanity; tries to hold on to humanity, but its window opening to 21st century always stay in darkness. A geography that can’t see the sun in any way… The diplomacy of the world left half; Middle East! The state of affairs today is commended to the future generation in order for it to be noted on history pages of tomorrow. Like it happened as countless wars… And the sole question in minds; why “İbrahim’s” sons, İsmail and İshak sided against each other in the “world of Muslims and Jews” for centuries? Does it suit humanity? Do we suit our being? Our life endowed by the Creator, life’s sanctity?